De scamwereld is veranderlijk. Om het allemaal te begrijpen, raden we je aan te beginnen met een inleiding tot de veelvoorkomende scams van dit moment en een uitleg over hoe je moet reageren als je slachtoffer wordt.

Read up on the different types of crypto scams in play today and how you can avoid falling victim. Build your essential knowledge before going deeper to better understand how to protect your digital assets.

You've fallen victim to a crypto scam — what next? Learn the best response to limit the damage, secure your crypto, and prevent others from being attacked.
Ontmasker cryptocriminelen en onthul hun scams wanneer deze plaatsvinden. Hier leggen we uit hoe je een fraudeur kunt herkennen, hoe officiële accounts bij cryptobeurzen eruit zien en hoe belangrijk het is om je eigen onderzoek te doen.

Crypto scammers will leave clues of their bad intentions, giving you the chance to react and protect yourself. Understand how fraudsters talk and the channels they typically use.

Don’t be fooled by an attacker posing as your chosen exchange on social media. Find out how to separate a fake account from a legitimate one and sidestep a potential attack.

In crypto, you should never act only on the opinion of others. Do your own research — or DYOR — is the mantra to follow. Find out how to conduct deep research so you can trade safely and effectively.

When it comes to detecting and avoiding crypto scams, you're not entirely alone. Various advanced tools are available to analyze blockchain networks and smart contracts to flag anything suspicious.
Met het oog op bedreigingen is er veel dat je kunt doen om je assets veilig op te slaan en een aanval te weerstaan. Begrijp hoe je acties je cryptobeveiliging beïnvloeden en welke tools je moet gebruiken om veilig te blijven.

For many, 2FA is the number one priority when securing their assets. Learn how to use 2FA to prevent unauthorized access to your wallet and crypto accounts.

Your wallet is only as safe as you make it. Find out how your actions and interactions in the Web3 space can threaten your assets, and how to stay vigilant.

Scam cases are rising as Web3 grows in adoption. Understanding common onchain scams is the first step to avoiding them.
Misleiding is een veelgebruikte tactiek onder fraudeurs, die de emoties van een slachtoffer manipuleren om toegang te krijgen tot hun bezittingen. Ontdek de sluwe methoden die oplichters gebruiken bij liefdes- en relatiescams.

It's not you, it's your crypto. This confidence trick involves creating a fake romantic relationship with a victim to access sensitive information and assets. How do fraudsters pull on victims’ heartstrings to eventually deceive them?

Online, not everyone’s as they seem. From government officials to crypto exchange representatives, impersonation is a common crypto scam tactic. Understand how to avoid giving up your assets or data to a scammer in disguise.

If you’re not vigilant, your phone could provide a gateway to an attack. It’s called a SIM swap attack, and involves manipulating your mobile carrier to hijack your phone number and control your account’s two-factor authentication.

Phishing attacks involve setting traps (like in fishing) that lure victims into clicking malicious links or accessing fraudulent platforms. Here, data is stolen in various clever ways to gain access to your assets.
Het is een droevige realiteit dat waar geld te vinden is, scams vaak snel volgen. Cryptofraudeurs gebruiken vaak de belofte van rijkdom of banen als dekmantel voor fraude. Word geen slachtoffer: kom meer te weten en bescherm jezelf.

The idea of a part-time crypto side hustle is appealing, but as the saying goes, if it’s too good to be true, it often is. Still, scammers attempt to lure in victims with seemingly lucrative part-time crypto roles as a means of stealing funds or data.

There’s no such thing as a get-rich-quick scheme, but that doesn’t stop crypto scammers. They’ll attempt to draw in potential victims with the promise of quick riches through ponzi and pyramid schemes, fraudulent ICOs, and more.

The allure of easy money is central to crypto remittance scams, as fraudsters promise bigger returns if victims first share an upfront sum. Impersonation and emotional manipulation are also at play here.

Crypto recovery scams prey on the vulnerabilities of those who've lost access to their assets, and are seeking help getting them back. The fraudster promises to help in return for a fee, but help never arrives.
Voor cryptoliefhebbers is de buzz van een veelbelovend nieuw project moeilijk te weerstaan. Oplichters weten dit en gebruiken nepprojecten als dekmantel om slachtoffers te verleiden tot het delen van geld of gevoelige gegevens die vervolgens worden gestolen. Ondertussen hebben sommige fraudeurs manieren gevonden om legitieme projecten te manipuleren voor hun eigen gewin.

Fake airdrops, rug pulls, and pump-and-dump schemes are all common tactics for crypto promotional scams. They involve fraudsters creating seemingly legitimate opportunities to trick victims into handing over their funds or sharing data that’s then used to access assets.

No technology is bulletproof, and scammers will seek out gaps in crypto technology as a route to attack. That includes the TRON wallet multisignature mechanism — a security measure fraudsters attempt to manipulate to access user funds.