Unlocking the Innovative Power of Inscriptions on OKX

Inscriptions were born in early 2023 when users began to inscribe text, images, and multimedia on the Bitcoin blockchain. This quickly became a phenomenon as the crypto community discovered new ways to use inscriptions to build and trade new assets, such as NFTs and tokens. Since then, many new and innovative inscription standards have been created - on Bitcoin and other blockchains - driving massive community interest and activity.

At OKX, we are big supporters of inscriptions. They have the power to unlock new ways for NFT creators and collectors to build and own truly immutable and dynamic items; and token communities have sprung up as participants benefit from the fair-mint processes that inscriptions enable. We've been engaging with the growing ecosystem and building products to support these new use cases. Today, I'm excited to share a major update for our market-leading inscriptions offering.

In the coming weeks, OKX will further expand to be the largest one-stop ecosystem in Web3 for minting, buying, selling, and trading inscriptions by adding support for four new leading inscription standards - Atomicals (ARC-20), Stamps (SRC-20), Runes, and Doginals (DRC-20). Across the OKX Wallet and Marketplace functions today, we already support discoverability and activity for inscriptions on 23 networks, including Bitcoin, Polygon, and Ethereum, among others.

OKX Wallet will first integrate Bitcoin token standards Atomicals, Stamps, and Runes, as well as Dogecoin's Doginals, enabling users to view and transfer these inscription standards. In the weeks following, OKX Marketplace will also integrate the Doginals and Atomicals standards, giving users the ability to trade and transact with those inscriptions.

Why is this significant? Right now, the inscriptions landscape is fragmented across different blockchains and standards. For most users, navigating this complexity poses significant barriers to participation. Our vision at OKX has always been to drive mainstream adoption by making Web3 simple and easy to use, and we deliver with a unified, chain-agnostic platform that consolidates trading across leading inscription standards - all with zero trading fees. Users can easily mint, list, buy, and sell inscriptions across multiple blockchains in one seamless experience.

In addition, we're leveraging our technical and design leadership to elevate and set new standards. The capabilities we have built around bulk minting and automated error detection enhances reliability and quality. Meanwhile, our Inscriptions Zone and Inscriptions Tracking Tool empower users with the discoverability they need to fully learn and dive deeper into the growing ecosystem.

Inscriptions are a powerful new way for users to interact and engage with crypto by storing data and art directly onchain. Soon, OKX users will be fully equipped to discover and participate in inscriptions across dozens of protocols, and we're excited to hear what our users think!

As always, we're looking for feedback. Drop me a note @jasonklau on X.

Jason Lau Chief Innovation Officer OKX

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