'my fabric' - everyone has a story to tell

What are we made of?

In the last two years, our industry has faced significant headwinds. Big players came and went, people declared bitcoin dead hundreds of times. We were forced to look inward and make tough decisions.

Despite the challenges, our industry persevered together and weathered the storm.

Staying on course during those difficult times required grit, determination and resilience. It's a journey that we went through collectively, with our customers, partners, employees and industry peers.

We can draw parallels between overcoming adversity in our professional and personal lives and competition in sports. We identify with the emotional triumph and heartbreak of competition on the pitch because we have our own parallel stories. Our life journey and experiences - both wins and losses - are the threads that intertwine to make up the fabric of who we are.

Our latest campaign featuring our brand partners starts with the Man City players. The campaign "my fabric" is a reminder to all of us that greatness cannot be achieved without belief, resilience, and conviction. But most importantly– doing the right thing. In this episodic campaign, you'll learn more about our brand ambassadors and their personal stories of grit to fortune. Where fortune is not always defined by financial success, but rather the sense of achievement. Big achievements.

The first ambassador video features star midfielder Jack Grealish. Videos featuring stories of other ambassadors will drop throughout the remainder of the Manchester City season.

It's our hope that these stories will shed light on the cumulative experiences that build our character, make us resilient, and shape our path to achievement.

Fabric is more than what we wear, it's what we're made of.


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