Our Report: Crypto and AI Convergence Will Lead to New applications and Innovations in Digital Infrastructure

Today, we published a report titled 'Unlocking the Infinite Potential of Crypto and AI.' The report explores the convergence of AI and crypto, a major trend in the current market cycle that is giving rise to new applications and innovations encompassing areas like model training, AI agents, metaverse, gaming and robots as a service.

OKX Ventures Bi-Monthly Investment Report

We anticipate rapid development in the basic infrastructure and application level of this convergence, leading to our recent investments in:

  • io.net: A decentralized platform that reduces resource costs and ensures economic efficiency through token incentives and hardware aggregation;

  • MyShell: An open ecosystem that allows users to train personalized AI agents using game clips. Currently, MyShell's GitHub repository boasts 14,900 stars and 13,000 forks, with a peak daily activity exceeding 100,000, making it one of the most active communities for creators and users in the field;

  • 0G: A highly efficient, secure, and programmable Data Availability (DA) layer optimized for on-chain AI, aiming to revolutionize blockchain scalability while maintaining decentralization and security performance;

  • FLock.io: An on-chain AI co-creation platform; and

  • 0xscope: An internet protocol that leverages on-chain data and blockchain industry data to generate data analytics for generating Web3 entities, a knowledge graph with Web3 recommendation algorithms and a Web3 data layer for decentralized applications.

The report highlights the unprecedented growth of the AI space, underscored by a 581%* year-on-year (YoY) increase in AI computing company Nvidia's net profit in 2023, as a testament to the industry's potential. In addition, the report provides a detailed overview of the potential of crypto and AI, outlining the vast application scenarios of crypto for AI. This includes the assetization of crucial components such as:

  • AI Agents: For example, MyShell is an open ecosystem that enables users to train personalized AI agents using game clips.

    • OKX has identified three primary directions for the future development of AI agents:

      • The intelligentization and agentization of assets: This will expand their use cases and value by empowering them to operate and interact autonomously.

      • Fostering interoperability among agents: This will elevate the overall performance of the ecosystem by establishing standards and frameworks that enable smooth interaction and collaboration among diverse AI agents.

      • Build a brand new agent economy system merging AI and blockchain technology: This is aimed at unlocking a novel economic model where AI agents play pivotal roles in content creation, financial services and other domains.

  • Decentralized algorithms: An example is io.net, which reduces resource costs and ensures economic efficiency through token incentives and hardware aggregation.

  • Data: An example is 0xScope, an internet protocol that leverages on-chain data and blockchain industry data to generate data analytics for generating Web3 entities, a knowledge graph with Web3 recommendation algorithms and a Web3 data layer for decentralized applications.

*Source: Valor International (February 22, 2024)

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