OKX Showcases Commitment to the Bahamas at D3 FinTech Festival

  • OKX Chief Innovation Officer Jason Lau exclusive interview: "The Future of Digital Asset Exchanges"

  • OKX Chief Global Government Relations Officer Tim Byun speaking panel: "Trust and cooperation: how should the innovator-regulator relationship work?"

  • OKX Head of Compliance Bahamas Ianthe Tynes speaking panel: "A Caribbean Web3 Future"

NASSAU, BAHAMAS, October 12, 2023OKX, a world-leading Web3 technology company, underscored its dedication to the Bahamas as an emerging hub for digital assets during the recent D3 Bahamas FinTech Festival. Through a series of speaking engagements, OKX executives highlighted the country's forward-thinking regulatory environment and support of technology innovation.

In an exclusive interview, OKX Chief Innovation Officer Jason Lau discussed the evolving landscape for cryptocurrency exchanges and insights into the future of digital assets. Lau emphasized the Bahamas' proactive approach to crypto regulation.

Jason stated: "With close to a decade in crypto, OKX is focused on building a trusted, scalable, and accessible platform for the long term. Despite recent industry events, it's essential to highlight all the technological improvements and regulatory progress as the industry works to restore confidence and deliver new use cases for Web3." During a panel on regulation, OKX Chief Global Government Relations Officer Tim Byun noted the Bahamas Securities Commission's goals of supporting innovation while upholding market integrity.

Tim said: "Progress stems from both the private sector and forward-thinking regulatory bodies like the SCB in The Bahamas. Building strong professional relationships is the most effective channel for long-term collaboration between innovators and regulators. Striking the right balance of collaboration and oversight nurtures sound, sustainable growth for the future and facilitates main street adoption.

Ianthe Tynes, OKX Head of Compliance in the Bahamas, spoke on a panel exploring the Caribbean's Web3 potential. Tynes highlighted how decentralized solutions drive financial inclusion, empower creatives and catalyze the future for crypto-friendly commercial institutions.

Ianthe noted: "I believe that the DARE Act is a great example that strikes the optimal balance between compliance and innovation. We're proud to see the Bahamas foster an environment where digital asset companies can grow sustainably while prioritizing consumer protection and anti-money laundering standards."

OKX's involvement in the conference underscores its positive outlook and deep commitment to the Bahamas as a jurisdiction. The company continues its collaboration with Bahamian authorities to contribute to the growth of a thriving digital asset ecosystem in the Bahamas.

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