OKX and Heybit Partner to Offer Leading Auto-Trading Strategy 'Alpha on OKX'

HONG KONG, 21 July, 2023 - OKX, a leading Web3 technology company, has partnered with liquidity provider Heybit to offer the 'Alpha on OKX' automated trading service to global users.

Heybit's proprietary auto-trading strategy, Alpha, constantly monitors the market and seeks profits based on short-term price fluctuations, allowing the strategy to deliver consistent returns even during volatile market conditions. The minimum investment for 'Alpha on OKX' is 1,000 USDT, and performance fees are charged only when users realize profits.

To commemorate the partnership, OKX and Heybit will offer users loss protection of up to 250 USDT per user, with USDT rewards based on the amount invested, and discounts on performance fees for the first 3,000+ users to sign up. The offer term is July 20 and September 2, 2023.

Lennix Lai, Chief Commercial Officer, OKX, said: "Partnerships such as this allow us to offer users access to the very best in back-tested and scalable automated trading strategies. Heybit's Alpha strategy has an excellent track record, and also provides access to diverse and efficient robo-trading. We're very excited for users to experience 'Alpha on OKX'".

CY Lee, CEO, Uprise Global, said: "We're thrilled to work with top-tier global exchange OKX, which provides an optimal trading environment for Heybit’s Alpha strategy. With Alpha’s fully automated quant trading technology, users can live their daily lives without worrying about market volatility as Alpha monitors the market and manages their portfolios 24/7. Heybit’s mission is to provide a stable and sustainable trading experience through data and technology and we hope this partnership with OKX will prove a meaningful stepping stone toward that goal".

Find out more about 'Alpha on OKX' here.

About Heybit Surpassing a cumulative $30B in trading volume, with a stellar team made up of top-tier team of quantitative experts in the industry, Heybit possesses a robust risk-based product management and compliance system with no instance of a single security incident during operations. Heybit provides comprehensive automated trading systems. Its signature statistical arbitrage-based trading strategy "Alpha" monitors the markets 24/7 and seeks profits by instantly exploiting statistical imbalances in prices.

Disclaimer The information displayed is strictly for informational purposes only. It does not constitute and shall not be considered as an offer, solicitation or recommendation, to deal in any products (including any NFT or otherwise), or as financial or investment advice. Both OKX Web3 Wallet and OKX NFT Marketplace are subject to separate terms of service at www.okx.com.

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