What is OKX Feed: the all-in-one market insights hub


Volatility and crypto markets go hand-in-hand, thanks to the fast-paced nature of digital asset.

From macroeconomic policies to protocol upgrades, it can be overwhelming to keep pace with the flood of daily information.

In crypto, timely information can be opportunity, so now there’s a solution to help you stay ahead: OKX Feed.

OKX Feed is your news aggregator on all things crypto. You’ll receive timely market insights to help you trade with confidence.


  • OKX Feed combines real-time market news, social signals, and discussions under one platform.

  • Skip toggling between multiple sources as OKX Feed delivers curated headlines, on-chain updates, and influencer commentary in one place.

  • Stay ahead of fast-moving markets with immediate alerts on significant developments or trends.

  • Move directly from reading news to placing trades on OKX, using over 600 trading pairs and advanced order options.

What is OKX Feed?

OKX Feed

The OKX Feed brings together market news, social signals, and discussions from trusted third-party sources, delivering the latest updates in the crypto space. From popular news to information from top experts, it brings together updates on the exchange, macro reports, and more—all in real-time—into one news hub. This lets you compare your trading options and make smart decisions with confidence.

Tired of toggling between countless apps, channels, and websites to spot emerging trends? The Feed offers a game-changing solution, giving you a clear, unified view of the market. By cutting through the noise and streamlining essential data, it transforms timely information into actionable insights, enabling smarter, faster trades.

What's special about OKX Feed?

1. Integrated information gathering

  • All-in-one feed: Stay updated on one interface where you can monitor chatter on X, mainstream news, and social sentiment without toggling between platforms.

  • Ecosystem integration: Instantly move from reading the news to trading on OKX, which offers over 600 trading pairs.

  • Focused insights: Sift through the noise by selecting token-specific feeds to filter out irrelevant updates and zero in on what truly impacts your trades.

2. Timely updates

  • Instant alerts: Get notified when notable market activity occurs, helping you respond to market swings quickly.

  • Data reliability: Feed sources from reputable outlets, giving traders confidence in the information provided.

3. Building your community

  • Collaborative discussions and knowledge sharing: Join a community of like-minded traders, swap ideas, and dissect major developments in a shared space.

  • Translated cross-community discussions: Understand what’s trending in other markets with our built-in translation feature that lowers the barrier to entry to any foreign crypto content.

How to make news-driven decisions with OKX Feed

Identify a breaking story

Start with your daily scan of OKX Feed, ranging from surging mentions of bitcoin to large buy orders in your feed. This consolidated view helps you quickly assess the situation without leaving the OKX platform.

Analyze market sentiment and charts

Switch seamlessly to the OKX trading interface and access detailed charts, order book data, and market-depth insights. Evaluate price action and trading volume to validate your thesis while identifying support and resistance levels to pinpoint optimal entry points.

Personalize your strategy

Choose your preferred approach—whether it’s limit orders or market orders. Expecting a significant price movement? Consider exploring leverage through perpetual futures or other derivatives.

Execute and monitor

After placing your order, continue tracking updates on Feed to validate or adjust your trading strategy. As your trade unfolds, advanced tools such as take profit and stop loss orders can help you secure gains and limit potential losses.

Integrate news insights and trading features

By combining real-time news insights from Feed with the powerful trading tools on OKX, you can react swiftly to market developments, stay on top of breaking stories, and maintain more control over your risk and execution strategy.

The Feed unifies the sprawling crypto news landscape into a single, convenient portal within the OKX app. Traders can track market movements, trending headlines, and social sentiment—all without switching platforms.

By curating a timeline of trending and relevant data, OKX Feed becomes a vital tool to help navigate the often-volatile crypto market.Ready to transform your trading strategy?

Log in to OKX today and experience how integrated news aggregation can reshape the way you trade by learning how to get started with OKX Feed.


Feed offers a unified feed of both mainstream news and social signals. You avoid toggling between websites or apps, saving invaluable research time and reducing the risk of missing significant market updates.

Feed pulls fresh information from trusted sources continuously throughout the day. If a new headline or social post appears, you’ll see it in near real time so you can respond promptly.

As an OKX user, you can access Feed without additional fees. Simply log in and start exploring the curated feeds to stay informed about market movements.

Feed features insights that isn’t just limited to short-term trading as it also helps long-term investors spot emerging trends and gauge sentiment. By streamlining market updates, this offers critical context that informs your strategies.

Use the dedicated filters to select tokens you follow. OKX Feed then displays only the most relevant news and discussions, letting you skip irrelevant headlines and zero in on assets you’re actively tracking.

Dit artikel/aankondiging is alleen bedoeld voor algemene informatiedoeleinden en er wordt geen verantwoordelijkheid of schuld aanvaard voor eventuele feitelijke onjuistheden of weglatingen hierin. Deze inhoud kan betrekking hebben op producten die niet beschikbaar zijn in jouw regio. Het is niet bedoeld als beleggingsadvies, belastingadvies of juridisch advies en mag niet worden beschouwd als een aanbod tot het kopen, verkopen, bezitten of het aanbieden van diensten met betrekking tot digitale bezittingen.
Digitale bezittingen, waaronder stablecoins, brengen een grote mate van risico met zich mee en kunnen sterk fluctueren. Je moet zorgvuldig overwegen of handelen of bezitten van digitale bezittingen geschikt voor je is op basis van je financiële situatie en risicotolerantie. OKX geeft geen aanbevelingen voor beleggingen of bezittingen. Je bent zelf verantwoordelijk voor je beslissingen om te beleggen en OKX is niet verantwoordelijk voor mogelijke verliezen. In het verleden behaalde resultaten bieden geen garantie voor de toekomst. Raadpleeg je juridische/fiscale/beleggingsprofessional voor vragen over je specifieke omstandigheden. OKX Web3-functies, inclusief OKX Web3-Wallet en OKX NFT-Marktplaats, zijn onderhevig aan aparte looptijdvoorwaarden op www.okx.com .
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