Shaping Brazil's crypto future: OKX's vision of trust and safety

Bom dia, Brasil!

As the General Manager of OKX in Brazil, I'm thrilled to share an exciting development that marks a new era in our crypto journey. Today, we officially launch OKX's Crypto Exchange and Web3 Wallet in Brazil, a milestone that's not just about expanding our services, but deeply rooted in our commitment to transparency and security in the crypto space.

Our recent study, surveying both crypto and non-crypto users in Brazil, revealed a significant insight: 92% of respondents emphasized the need for clear and transparent information about the security of their assets. Additionally, 86% agreed that Proof of Reserves (PoR) can positively contribute to the legitimacy and maturity of the cryptocurrency market.In response, we are proud to lead the industry with our monthly on-chain Proof-of-Reserves reports, verified via zk-STARKs cryptography.

Our latest report shows we hold 12.5 billion USD in primary assets. This means our users' assets are backed 103%. This initiative not only demonstrates our commitment to transparency but also provides our users with the assurance they need to trust our platform.

Another cornerstone of our launch in Brazil is the OKX Wallet. This state-of-the-art Web3 wallet offers a user-friendly, secure self-custody portal, allowing users to manage DeFi products, trade NFTs, and more. It's the first wallet to feature both Multi-Party Computation (MPC) technology and Account Abstraction (AA) features, catering to both technical and less technical users. We believe in the importance of self-custody and have tailored our wallet to ensure ease of use without compromising on security.

As Brazil stands as the largest cryptocurrency market in Latin America, our mission is to cater to the fast-paced, security-conscious needs of Brazilian traders. We combine global crypto excellence with a user experience specifically tailored to the Brazilian market. Our platform not only offers a trusted, secure gateway to decentralized finance (DeFi) and crypto trading but also represents our dedication to leading with transparency and robust security features.

In conclusion, the launch of OKX in Brazil is more than just a new chapter in our global expansion. It's a commitment to the Brazilian community, ensuring they have access to a crypto trading platform that values security, transparency, and user empowerment. We're excited to be part of Brazil's vibrant crypto ecosystem and look forward to driving innovation and growth in the Web3 and crypto economy together.

Thank you for joining us on this journey. Let's embrace the future of crypto with confidence and clarity.

Warm regards,

Guilherme Sacamone

General Manager, OKX Brazil

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