A New Milestone in Institutional Crypto Custody: OKX Partners with Standard Chartered

Written by Lennix Lai, Chief Commercial Officer at OKX

Today we were pleased to announce that we've officially partnered with Standard Chartered, a leading international cross-border bank, as our third-party crypto custodian for institutional clients. This milestone reflects our commitment to security, innovation, and the future of digital assets.

As we continue to evolve as a leading global onchain technology company, offering more secure and scalable solutions for institutions is key. This partnership helps us enhance our offering to institutional clients who are increasingly looking to digital assets as a new alternative of opportunity.

At OKX, we have always prioritized security, but we understand that institutional investors need more than that. They need trust. That’s why aligning with a bank like Standard Chartered, which is also one of the first global systemically important banks (G-SIBs) to dive into crypto custody, means so much.

The partnership is part of our larger vision of bridging the gap between traditional finance and the digital asset world by giving clients a choice to separate trading from custody. Our institutional services already include advanced trading features, robust risk management tools, and custody solutions. Adding Standard Chartered to our custody offerings allows us to integrate digital assets more seamlessly into the traditional financial ecosystem, making it easier for institutional players to engage confidently in this space.

Why This Matters

The institutional crypto market is evolving rapidly, and we’re seeing that digital assets are no longer just a speculative play. They’re becoming a viable, even necessary, part of a diversified portfolio. According to a research report we commissioned with Economist Impact, 80% of traditional and crypto hedge funds using digital assets rely on third-party custodians. This emphasizes the growing demand for segregation between trade execution and asset custody, and OKX is here to meet that demand with world-class partners like Standard Chartered.

We believe that digital assets are the new alternative for institutional investors. As highlighted in our report, the dynamics of the market are shifting, and the opportunities are immense. Institutions are increasingly recognizing that digital assets offer not only diversification but also the potential for strong returns in the coming years. However, with opportunity comes the need for rigorous security and compliance, which is why we are doubling down on our custodial services through this collaboration.

The Road Ahead

What excites me most about this partnership is the signal it sends to the market. Standard Chartered’s involvement means we’re not just offering another crypto custody solution—we’re setting a new standard. Institutional investors want assurance, and by teaming up with such a reputable bank, we’re giving them exactly that.

As we continue to expand our suite of services, we remain focused on creating a more mature and accessible environment for institutions in the crypto space. This partnership is just one of many steps we are taking to lead the digital asset revolution and to make OKX the go-to platform for institutional investors worldwide.

With this latest development, we’re well on our way to making that future a reality for institutions across the globe.

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