OKTC snapshot#
Quick instructions on how to install the OKTC snapshots.
According to the snapshot size, it is divided into S0, S1, S2 and S3:
- S0. size of s0 is the smallest, including only the last block and the state of that height.
- S1. --pruning everything: larger than S0 size
- S2. --pruning default: larger than S1 size
- S3. --pruning nothing: maximum size
Download URL: https://static.okex.org/cdn/chain/okc/snapshot/history.html
Unpack the snapshot file for cosmos#
mv ~/.exchaind/data ~/.exchaind/data-bak
# rm -rf ~/.exchaind/data
cd ~/.exchaind
tar -zxvf exchain-$version-$date-$height_xxx.tar.gz