OKX Liquid Marketplace Launches 'Nitro Spreads' Enabling One-Click Basis Trading for Institutional Clients

DUBAI, UAE, June 27, 2023 - OKX, the second-largest crypto exchange by trading volume and a leading Web3 technology company, today launched its new 'Nitro Spreads' feature on its institutional Liquid Marketplace, an OTC, futures spreads and options liquidity network, allowing traders to make complex basis trades with simple one-click execution.

Nitro Spreads

Basis trading is a strategy built around trading the difference between an asset's price on two separate markets, such as spot vs. futures, and can generate returns when executed properly. It typically requires both legs of the trade to be managed simultaneously, which can be cumbersome. OKX's Nitro Spreads automates this complex trade into one click, leveraging the platform's superior liquidity and low latency for maximum user benefit.

Nitro Spreads is also one of the only basis trading tools in the crypto market in which the two legs of the trade are executed via a central orderbook, eliminating leg risk between markets. Before execution, traders can also select a guaranteed spread for a trade, mitigating unexpected price slippage. Trades are then matched and settled immediately.

OKX Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai said: "In the current complex market environment, institutions demand reliability, predictable returns and genuine innovation when choosing a trading venue. This is especially true in basis trading, where precision is paramount. Nitro Spreads raises the bar for the industry for efficient basis trading, and we invite institutional traders everywhere to see how it can enhance their strategies and contribute to their success."

Selected institutional clients who applied for early access via the Liquid Marketplace website can now use Nitro Spreads; wider access will be available to other institutional clients starting 5 July.

A variety of basis trading strategies can be executed by institutional traders through Nitro Spreads' easy-to-use interface. Institutional traders can employ popular delta one spread strategies like calendar spreads, future rolls and funding rate farming - all in an orderbook format.

The on-demand OKX Liquid Marketplace provides access to deep institutional liquidity and a number of crypto trading strategies, including futures spreads, large options block trades or spot OTC, to run at scale. In April, OKX announced that the Liquid Marketplace exceeded USD1 billion in trading volume during the first three months of 2023.

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