Our MiCA License and Scaling OKX in Europe

Written by Erald Ghoos, Europe CEO, OKX

I have some incredible news for OKX — we’re the first global exchange to secure a MiCA (Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation) license!

This means that we’re set to roll out fully regulated crypto products and services, such as our OKX Exchange, our self-custody Wallet, and the rest of our core services to over 400 million people across Europe, through our European Economic Area (EEA) hub in Malta. The announcement is a major milestone for OKX, a win for crypto in Europe, and a testament to the growth and mass adoption of the industry at scale.

In the coming days, OKX will begin passporting its MiCA license from its Malta hub to all 30 EEA member states. Passporting is a feature of the MiCA law that allows businesses, registered and licensed in one EU country, to offer their services in another EU country under a unified regulatory framework.

With a suite of cutting-edge products—including a user-friendly Simple Exchange, powerful Advanced Exchange for traders, and a comprehensive Wallet for crypto enthusiasts—OKX is poised to redefine the crypto experience for all levels of customers across the EEA.

Our Family of Products

What the MiCA License Means for You

The MiCA license unlocks a world of possibilities for crypto enthusiasts in the region. Whether you're into long term investing in crypto, spot trading or bot trading, you’ll soon have regulated access to 240+ cryptocurrency tokens and more than 260 trading pairs—including 61 euro-crypto trading pairs.

OKX operating under this license means:

  1. Secure and easy connections to trusted banks for deposit and withdrawals

  2. Safer and more reliable to operate in the region as a regulated firm

  3. Local-language product offering

  4. Local-language customer support

  5. Local currency displays

  6. A team of local experts, to organize events for our local community and support you in your crypto journey

OKX customers in the region can deposit and withdraw euros for free through bank transfers, and easily buy crypto using cards and other trusted local payment methods.

A New Benchmark for Crypto Regulation

This achievement isn’t just about expanding our reach—it’s about doing crypto the right way! The MiCA license represents a gold standard for regulation and sets a global benchmark.

Europe’s progessive approach to digital finance prioritizes customer safety and transparency, and it's amazing to see the region be a key driver for building the future of the global digital economy. OKX will be the go-to digital asset platform in Europe for any digital asset offering under a fully regulated framework.

This license is our promise to you—to keep things secure, transparent, and cutting-edge while staying fully compliant with Europe’s rigorous standards.

What’s Next?

Thanks to MiCA’s passporting feature, we’ll be able to expand from Malta to all 30 EEA member states under one harmonized set of regulations. This means OKX will be in every corner of Europe, making crypto trading and investing easier than ever.

For those of you who are already part of the OKX family, you know our platform is built for reliability. With 99.99% uptime, Proof of Reserves for transparency, and unmatched liquidity, we’ve got you covered. And if you’re new to OKX, get ready to experience crypto through a platform tailored to all levels—from our Simple Exchange for beginners to our Advanced Exchange and Wallet for power users.

A Final Thought

2025 is shaping up to be an incredible year for OKX and for crypto in Europe. With MiCA in place, we’re not just bringing our platform to the region—we’re bringing the full power of our entire ecosystem, including partnerships with layer 1s and layer 2s, stablecoin issuers, banking partners and institutional clients.

This is more than just a milestone for OKX; it's a New Alternative for the entire crypto community. Europe has always been at the heart of the global crypto revolution, and with MiCA paving the way, the future is bright for digital assets on this continent and beyond.

Stay tuned for updates as we bring our regulated offerings to your local market. If you’re ready to explore crypto through a regulated lens, there’s never been a better time to join OKX.

Here’s to the next chapter in building the future of finance—together.


This blog is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide (i) investment advice or an investment recommendation; (ii) an offer or solicitation to buy, sell, or hold digital assets; or (iii) financial, accounting, legal, or tax advice. Digital asset holdings, including stablecoins and NFTs, involve a high degree of risk and can fluctuate greatly. You should carefully consider whether trading or holding digital assets is suitable for you in light of your financial condition. Not all products are available in all regions. Please consult your legal/tax/investment professional for questions about your specific circumstances.

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Acest conținut este furnizat doar în scopuri informative și poate acoperi produse care nu sunt disponibile în regiunea dvs. Acesta nu este menit să furnizeze (i) sfaturi sau recomandări de investiții; (ii) o ofertă sau o solicitare de a cumpăra, vinde sau deține cripto/active digitale sau (iii) recomandări financiare, contabile, juridice sau fiscale. Deținerile de cripto/active digitale, inclusiv criptomonede stabile și NFT-uri, presupun un nivel ridicat de risc și pot fluctua foarte mult. Ar trebui să vă gândiți bine dacă tranzacționarea sau deținerea de cripto/active digitale este adecvată pentru dvs., având în vedere situația dvs. financiară. Consultați un specialist în domeniul juridic/fiscal/al investițiilor și adresați-i întrebări cu privire la circumstanțele dvs. specifice. Informațiile (inclusiv datele de piață și informațiile statistice, după caz) care apar în această postare sunt prezentate doar în scop de informare generală. Deși s-au luat toate măsurile rezonabile pentru a pregăti aceste date și grafice, nu acceptăm nicio responsabilitate sau răspundere pentru nicio eroare factuală sau omisiune exprimată aici. Atât OKX Web3 Wallet, cât și OKX NFT Marketplace fac obiectul unor termeni separați privind serviciile, pe care îi puteți consulta la www.okx.com.
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