We've Entered a Tripartite Agreement with Forteus and Komainu for Enhanced Institutional Crypto Trading and Custody

Forteus, the asset management division of the Numeus Group, can now trade 24/7 through our platform while its assets are held in segregated custody

We're pleased to announce that we've entered a tripartite agreement with Forteus, a diversified digital asset management firm, and regulated digital asset custody service provider Komainu. This agreement will enable Forteus to trade 24/7 through our platform while its assets are held in segregated custody with Komainu.

Under the terms of the agreement, Komainu will offer qualified custody services and cold storage for assets held on behalf of Forteus. The off-exchange settlement and mirroring solution is a significant step forward for large-scale institutional crypto traders requiring immediate access to all of our market-leading trading solutions via custody. This includes our Liquid Marketplace, a spot OTC, futures spreads and options liquidity network.

Key benefits include:

  • Secure custody: Digital assets are held securely in segregated custody with Komainu, an independent and regulated custodian, ensuring asset safety and regulatory compliance

  • 24/7 trading: Forteus can conduct high-volume trading on our platform around the clock

  • Efficient daily settlement: The tripartite arrangement enables efficient mirrored balances, allowing for seamless trading without the need to constantly move assets between custodian and exchange

  • Legal frameworks: Clear legal structures define rights, responsibilities and dispute resolution mechanisms, enhancing trust and confidence in institutional trading

  • Optimized capital use: The collaboration provides optimized use of capital through real-time collateral mirroring and intraday settlement modes, enhancing liquidity and trading efficiency

In June 2023, we announced together with Komainu that we joined the collateral management platform Komainu Connect. This enables institutional customers to conduct secure 24/7 trading of segregated assets under custody through our platform. Launched in April 2023, Komainu Connect reduces client counterparty risk by eliminating the need to store collateral with trading counterparties, offering the ability to keep assets in safe custody instead.

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