Badger DAO 价格

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Badger DAO 市场信息

市值是通过流通总应量与最新价格相乘进行计算。市值 = 当前流通量 × 最新价
19,930,670 BADGER
24 小时最高
24 小时最低

Badger DAO 价格表现 (美元)

Badger DAO 当前价格为 $3.6800。Badger DAO 的价格从 00:00 (UTC+8) 下跌了 -1.84%。目前,Badger DAO 市值排名为第 210 名,实时市值为 $7,374.35万,流通供应量为 19,930,670 BADGER,最大供应量为 21,000,000 BADGER。我们会实时更新 Badger DAO/USD 的价格。
7 天
30 天
3 个月

关于 Badger DAO (BADGER)

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Badger DAO (BADGER) is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that operates within the realm of decentralized finance (DeFi). The platform facilitates collaboration among developers to integrate BTC-specific collateral across various blockchains. Similar to how chains like Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Ethereum (ETH), and Polygon (MATIC) rely on Ethereum, Badger DAO focuses on utilizing tokenized Bitcoin (BTC). This allows users to access DeFi functionalities and leverage the benefits of Bitcoin within the decentralized ecosystem.

What is Badger DAO?

Badger DAO is a decentralized network of developers known as Badger Builders. They primarily integrate BTC as collateral across different blockchain networks. Developers can earn fees through these implementations based on the activity level within a specific pool where the collateral is utilized. Additionally, developers can receive BADGER tokens, the native tokens of the Badger DAO ecosystem, as rewards for their contributions. Badger DAO aims to make it more convenient for BTC holders to participate in DeFi.

The Badger DAO team

Badger DAO was established in 2020 and is spearheaded by Chris Spadafora, a passionate crypto enthusiast and a partner at Angelrock. The team behind Badger DAO emphasizes decentralization and maintains a significant level of anonymity in line with their ethos.

How does Badger DAO work?

Badger DAO operates through two main products: Sett and Digg. Sett is a DeFi aggregator that optimizes the yield on your deposited BTC, while Digg is a synthetic version of BTC designed for the Ethereum blockchain, offering a rebase function and flexible supply. The rebase mechanism automatically adjusts the token supply based on the tracked asset's price, such as BTC in the case of Digg. Badger DAO follows a community-driven approach, where product decisions and changes require vote-based approval from BADGER token holders.

Badger DAO’s native token: BADGER

Badger DAO's native token is called BADGER. It has a fixed supply cap of 21 million tokens, with 19,492,085 tokens currently in circulation. BADGER tokens can be staked on the Badger DAO platform. To stake, connect your Ethereum wallet containing BADGER tokens, specify the number of tokens you wish to stake, and confirm the transaction.

BADGER use cases

BADGER tokens have multiple use cases within the Badger DAO ecosystem. The primary use case is for network governance, allowing token holders to participate in decision-making processes and shape the direction of the protocol. Additionally, BADGER tokens are used to reward ecosystem-specific activities, incentivize engagement with the protocol, and encourage community participation. Users can also earn additional BADGER tokens by providing liquidity for specific trading pairs or through staking.

BADGER token distribution

The distribution of BADGER tokens is allocated to various segments within the Badger DAO ecosystem. These segments include airdrops to specific DeFi users, rewards for liquidity miners or providers, developer incentives, community treasury contributions, and staking rewards. The specific percentage allocation to each segment is determined through community-based proposals and governance mechanisms, allowing the community to have a say in distributing BADGER tokens.

What’s the future like for Badger DAO?

Badger DAO is committed to maintaining a secure ecosystem, as evidenced by its successful completion of the Zokyo audit, regular ecosystem reviews, and bug bounty programs. One of the critical objectives of Badger DAO is to establish BTC as a mainstream participant in DeFi, enabling the seamless movement of BTC across different blockchains. This forward-looking approach indicates a promising future for Badger DAO as it strives to bridge the gap between Bitcoin and the DeFi ecosystem.


Badger DAO 常见问题

Badger DAO 今天值多少钱?
目前,一个 Badger DAO 价值是 $3.6800。如果您想要了解 Badger DAO 价格走势与行情洞察,那么这里就是您的最佳选择。在欧易探索最新的 Badger DAO 图表,进行专业交易。
数字货币,例如 Badger DAO 是在称为区块链的公共分类账上运行的数字资产。了解有关欧易上提供的数字货币和代币及其不同属性的更多信息,其中包括实时价格和实时图表。
由于 2008 年金融危机,人们对去中心化金融的兴趣激增。比特币作为去中心化网络上的安全数字资产提供了一种新颖的解决方案。从那时起,许多其他代币 (例如 Badger DAO) 也诞生了。
Badger DAO 的价格今天会涨吗?
查看 Badger DAO 价格预测页面,预测未来价格,帮助您设定价格目标。
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